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Problems with CPAN πŸ”—
 Thu Aug 22 2024  

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Those of you who don't lurk the various perl5 groups on social media or P5P may be unaware that there are a number of problems with CPAN, largely with regard to how namespaces are doled out. Essentially the first distribution to claim it gets to squat there forever, whether you like it or not. If the maintainer does not wish for new patches to ever be added, such as is the case with DBIX::Class, longstanding custom prohibits this.

Can the state of affairs be changed? Is this compatible with the various open source licenses and terms of use of PAUSE? The core of it comes down to this passage in the PAUSE rules:

You may only upload files for which you have a right to distribute. This generally means either: (a) You created them, so own the copyright; or (b) Someone else created them, and shared them under a license that gives you the right to distribute them.
Nearly everything on CPAN has a license for which forking is entirely compatible. Similarly, nearly all of them permit patching. As such a variety of solutions have been proposed.
  • An opt-in 'patched' version of modules available on CPAN, to account for gone/unresponsive maintainers. Implement using cpan distroprefs.
  • Make it clear that ownership of a namespace remains in control of the PAUSE admins, rather than the code authors. This would cut the gordian knot of things like DBIX::Class.
  • More radical changes, such as "aping our betters" over at NPM and adding a number of their nifty features (security information, private packages, npm fund, etc)
I personally favor the latter over the long term, and doing what we can now. The perl build toolchain is overdue for a revamp, and abusing things like github releases would massively cut down on the storage requirements for PAUSE. While the Github 'Modules' registry would be ideal, it does not support our model, so releases it would have to be.

How to get from here to there?

I suppose the idea would be to implement NPM's featureset and call it PNPM (Perl-flavored NPM). You could have it scrape the CPAN, see which modules have primary repos on github, and if they have (non-testing) releases with a higher version number, to prefer that version of the package. That way it would be backwards compatible and give you a path to eventually move entirely off of PAUSE, and into a new model.

That said, it sounds like a lot of work. NPM itself is a business, which is why they have the model of taxing private packages for the benefit of the community at large.

One possible way forward (which would be less work for us) would be to ask if the npm crew wants to expand their business to packaging more than just node code; I imagine most of their infrastructure could be made generic and get us the featureset we want. I'd be shocked if such a thing isn't already on their roadmap, and github's.

They likely wouldn't be onboard if they didn't see a viable route to profit from private perl package distribution. Most established perl business already have their distribution channels long-established, and wouldn't see a compelling reason to horizontally dis-integrate this part of their business unless it would be significantly cheaper.

Leveraging github would likely be key to that, as they have the needed economy of scale, even beyond things like S3/R2 people are already using in their distribution channels. NPM likely has enough juice to get new package formats added to github packages, I suspect we don't.

On the other hand there might be room in the market to exploit that gap between what github supports as packages and what you can do with good ol' fashioned releases. E.G. make an actually universal package management tool that knows how to talk to each package manager and therefore inject means of distributing (taxed) private packages for mutual benefit with a % kicked back to the relevant language foundation. Might be worth researching and pitching to VCs.

Back to reality

In the meantime, it's fairly obvious the PAUSE admins could fix the main problems with a little time and will. That's probably the best we'll get.

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