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Why configuration models matter: WebServers πŸ”—

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Back when I worked at cPanel, I implemented a feature to have customer virtualhosts automatically redirect to SSL if they had a valid cert and were configured to re-up it via LetsEncrypt (or other providers). However this came with a significant caveat -- it could not work on servers where the operator overrode our default vhost template. There is no way you can sanely inject rules into an environment where I don't even know if the template is valid. At least not in the amount of time we had to implement the project.

Why did we have this system of "templates" which were then rendered and injected into Apache's configuration file? This is because it's configuration model is ass-backwards and has no mechanism for overriding configs for specific vhosts. Its fundamental primitive is a "location" or "directory" which have a value which is either a filesystem or URI path component.

Ideally this would instead be a particular vhost name, such as "", ", "foobar.test" or even multiple of them. But because it isn't we saw no benefit to using the common means of separating configs for separate things (like vhosts), the "config.d" directory. Instead we parse and generate the main config file anytime a relevant change happens. In short we had to build a configuration manager, which means that now manual edits to fix anything will always get stomped. The only way around that is to have user-editable templates that are used by the manager (which we implemented by a $template_file.local override).

Nginx recognized this, and their server primitive directive is organized around vhosts. However they did not go all the way and make it to where you could have multiple server blocks referring to the same vhost with the last one encountered, say in the config.d/ directory, taking precedence. It is not stated in the documentation, but later directives referring to the same host do the same thing as apache. As such configuration managers are still needed when dealing with nginx in a shared hosting context.

This is most unfortunate as it does not allow the classic solution to many such problems in programming to be utilized: progressive rendering pipelines. Ideally you would have a configuration model like so:

vhost * {
    # Global config goes here

include "/etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf"

# Therein we have two files, "00-clients-common.conf"
vhost "foobar.test" "baz.test" {
    # Configuration common to various domains go here, overrides previously seen keys for the vhost(s)

# And also "foobar.test.conf"
vhost "foobar.test" {
    # configuration specific to this vhost goes here, overrides previously seen keys for the vhost

The failure by the web server authors to adopt such a configuration model has made configuration managers necessary. Had they adopted the correct configuration model they would not be, and cPanel's "redirect this vhost to ssl" checkbox would work even with client overrides. This is yet another reason much of the web has relegated the web server to the role of "shut up and be a reverse proxy for my app".

At one point another developer at cPanel decided he hated that we "could not have nice things" in this regard and figured out a way we could have our cake and eat it too via mod_macro. However it never was prioritized and died on the vine. Anyone who works in corporate long enough has a thousand stories like this. Like tears in rain.

nginx also doesn't have an equivalent to mod_macro. One of the few places apache is in fact better. But not good enough to justify switching from "shut up and reverse proxy".

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