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tCMS current state and plan going forward πŸ”— 1642782163  

🏷️ blog 🏷️ tcms 🏷️ perl

The consistent theme I've been driving at with tCMS development is to transform as much of the program out of code into data. The last thing I've done in this vein was to create parent-child relationships between posts (series), and to allow posts to embed other posts within themselves. The next thing I'm interested in doing is to move the entire page structure into data as well. Recently working with javascript component-based frameworks has given me the core inspiration behind what I ought to do.

Any given page can be seen as little more than a concatenation of components in a particular order. Components themselves can be seen in the same way, simplifying rendering them to be a matter of recursive descent to build an iterator you feed to the renderer. How do I implement this with the current system?

Every post needs to support an array of components. This will necessitate a re-thinking of how the post interface itself works. I should probably have some "preview" mechanism to show an idea how the post should work after you frankenstein it together.

This will enable me to do the most significant performance improvement I can do (static renders) incredibly easily. As a page render will be little more than a SELECT CONCAT statement over a table of pre-rendered component instances for the data. To make updates cheap, we need but check the relevant post timestamps to see if anything in the recursive descent needs a re-render.

As of this writing, a render of the most complicated page of any tCMS install is taking 21ms. This should bring that time down to 2-3ms. It will also enable me to implement the feature which will turn tCMS into a best-of-breed content publishing framework. Which is to automatically syndicate each page we render to multiple CDNs and transparently redirect to them in a load-balancing fashion.

From there I see little more that needs to be done other than improving the posting interface and adding userland features. I still want all of that, but believe technical excellence comes first.

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