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Open Source:
Playwright for Perl
cPanel & WHM Plugins:
Better Postgres for cPanel
cPanel iContact Plugins
The way software testing as a job is formally described is to provide information to decisionmakers so that they can make better decisions. Testers are fundamentally adversarial as they are essentially an auditor sent by management to evaluate whether the product an internal team produces is worth buying.
Things don't usually work out this way. The job is actually quite different in practice from it's (aspirational) self-image. It turns out that the reason testers are not paid well and generally looked down upon in the industry is because of this reality. This is due primarily to the organizational realities of the modern corporation, and is reinforced by various macroeconomic and policy factors. Most of these situational realities are ultimately caused by deeply ingrained emotional needs of our species.
Adversarial processes are not morally or ethically wrong. It is in fact quite useful to take an adversarial approach. For example, AI researchers have found that the only reliable process to distinguish lies from truth in a dataset is precisely through adversarial procedure. However, the usefulness of an adversarial approach is compromised when a conflict of interests exists. This is why Judges recuse themselves from trials in which they even have the appearance of outcome dependence in.
Herein lies the rub. Modern software firms tend to be a paranoid lot, as their (generally untalented and ignorant) management don't understand their software is in no way unique. They seem to act like gluing together 80% open source components is somehow innovation rather than obvious ideas with good marketing. In any case, because of this paranoia they don't want to expose their pile of "innovation" and it's associated dirty laundry to the general public via leaks and so forth. They mistakenly believe that they can secure this most reliably with direct employment of testers rather than being careful with their contractors.
This forgets that the individual employee usually has nothing whatsoever that could be meaningfully recovered in the event of such a breach, and is practically never bonded against this. On the other hand, a contracting business stakes everything on their professionalism and adherence to contract and have far more to lose than a tester paid peanuts. This lead me to the inescapable conclusion: The incentives encouraged for the vast majority of employed testers are the opposite of what is required to achieve the QA mission.
It turns out this happens for the same reason that Judges (paid by the state) don't recuse them from judgement in cases wheir their employer is the defendant or prosecutor. Because the job is not actually what it is claimed to be.
As if to rub this cognitive dissonance further in the face of the tester, modern organizations tend to break into "teams" and adopt methodologies such as scrum to tightly integrate the product lifecycle. Which means you as a tester now have to show solidarity and be a team player who builds others up instead of tearing down their work. To not do so is to risk being considered toxic.
The only way to actually do this is to prevent issues before they happen, which to be entirely fair is the cheapest point to do so. The problem of course with this is that it means in practice the programmer is basically doing Extreme Programming and riding shotgun with a tester. If the tester actually can do this without making the programmer want to strangle them, this means the tester has to understand programming quite well themselves. Which begs the question as to why they are wasting time making peanuts testing software instead of writing execrable piles of it. I've been there, and chose to write and make more every single time.
Everyone who remains a tester but not programmer is forced to wait until code is committed and pushed to begin testing. At that point it's too late from an emotional point of view; it's literally in the word -- commitment means they've emotionally invested in the code. So now the tester is the "bad guy" slipping schedule and being a cost center rather than the helper of the team. That is, unless the tester does something other than invalidate (mistaken) assumptions about the work product's fitness for purpose. Namely, they start validating the work product (and the team members personally by extension), emphasizing what passed rather than failed.
This is only the beginning of the emotional nonsense getting in the way of proper testing. Regardless of whether the customer wants "Mr. Right" or "Mr. Right Now", firms and their employees tend to have an aspirational self-image that they are making the best widget. The customer's reality is usually some variant of "yeah, it's junk but it does X I want at the price I want and nobody else does". I can count on one hand the software packages that I can say without qualification are superior to their competition, and chances are good that "you ain't it".
Neverthless, this results in a level of "Quality theatre" where a great deal more scrutiny and rigor is requested than is required for proper and prompt decisionmaking. This is not opposed by most QAs, as they don't see beyond their own corn-pone. However, this means that some things which require greater scrutiny will not recieve them, as resources are scarce.
Many testers also fall into this validation trap, and provide details which management regards as unimportant (but that the tester considers important). This causes managers to tune out, helping no one. This gets especially pernicious when dealing with those incapable of understanding second and third order effects, especially when these may lead to material harm to customers. When time is a critical factor it can be extremely frustrating to explain such things to people. So much so that sometimes you just gotta say It's got electrolytes.
Sometimes the business model depends on the management not understanding such harms. At some point you will have to decide whether your professional dignity is more important than your corn pone, as touching such topics is a third rail I and others have been fried on. I always choose dignity for the simple reason that customers who expose themselves to such harms willingly tend to be ignorant. Stupid customers don't have any money.
It's all these emotional pitfalls that explain why testers still cling to the description of their job as providing actionable information to decisionmakers. The only way to maintain your professional dignity in an environment where you can do everything right but still have it all go wrong is to divorce yourself from outcomes. Pearl divers don't really care if they sell to swine, you know?
Speaking of things outside of your control and higher-order effects, there are also market realities which must guide the tester as to what decisionmakers want to know, but will never tell you to look for. Traditionally this was done by business analysts who would analyze the competitve landscape in cooperation with testers, but that sounds a bit too IBM to most people so they don't do it. As such this is yet another task which it turns out you as a tester have to do more often than not. It is because of this that I developed a keen interest in business analysis and Economics.
The Iron Law of Project Management states that you have to pick two of three from:
That said the people who want to hire testers are looking to transition from fast/cheap to fast/well by throwing money at the problem. This tends to run into trouble in practice, as many firms transition into competing based on quality too early, eating the margins beyond what the market and investors will bear.
The primary reasons for these malinvestments are interest rate suppression and corrupt units of account being the norm in developed economies. This sends false signals to management as to the desirability of investing in quality, which are then reinforced by the emotional factors mentioned earlier. Something will have to give eventually in such a situation and by and large it's been tester salaries, as with all other jobs that are amenable to outsourcing to low-cost jurisdictions. Many times firms have a bad experience outsourcing, and this is because they don't transfer product and business expertise to the testers they contract with first. There is no magic bullet there, it's gotta be sour mash to some degree. Expertise and tradition take people and time to build.
Also, price is subjective and it's discovery is in many ways a mystical experience clouded by incomplete knowledge in the first place. It should be unsurprising that prices are subjective given quality itself is an ordinal and not cardinal concept. The primary means by which price is discovered is customer evaluation of a product and its seller's qualitative attributes versus how much both parties value the payment.
This ultimately means that to be an effective tester, you have to think like the customer and the entrepeneur. Being able to see an issue from multiple perspectives is very important to writing useful reports. This is yet another reason to avoid getting "too friendly with the natives" in your software development organization.
Speaking of mystical experiences, why do we care about quality at all? Quality is an important component of a brand's prestige, which is the primary subjective evaluation criteria for products. Many times there are sub-optimal things which can be done right, but only at prohibitive costs. Only luxury brands even dare to attempt these things.
Those of us mere mortals will have to settle for magic. In the field of Carpentry there's an old adage "If you can't conceal it, reveal it. Perfect joinery of trim to things like doorframes is not actually possible because wood doesn't work that way. So instead you offset it a bit. This allows light and shadow to play off it, turning a defect into decoration.
The best way to describe this in software terms is the load bearing bug. Any time you touch things for which customer expectations have solidified, even to fix something bad, expect to actually make it worse. This is because nobody ever reads change logs, much less writes them correctly. You generally end up in situations where data loss happens because something which used to hold up the process at a pain point has now been shaved off without the mitigant being updated. Many times this just means an error now sails through totally undetected, causing damage.
These higher-order effects mean in general that "fixing it" is many times not the right answer. Like with carpentry you have to figure out a way to build atop a flawed reality to result in a better finished product. This eventually results in large inefficiencies in software ecosystems and is a necessary business reality. The only way to avoid this requires great care and cleverness with design which many times is simply not feasible in the time allotted.
Assisting in the identification of these sort of factors is a large part of "finding bugs before they happen" especially in the maintenance cycle. It's also key to the brand, as quality is really just a proxy for competence. Pushing fixes that break other things does not build such a reputation, and should not be recommended save in the situation where data loss and damage is the alternative.
The only way to actually have this competence is to not have high turnover in your test and development department. Unfortunately, the going rate for testers makes the likelihood that skilled testers stick around quite low.
I have spoken at length about the difference between Process and Mission-Driven organizations. To summarize, Mission-driven organizations tend to emphasize accomplishment over how it is achieved, while process oriented organizations do the opposite. Mission driven organizations tend to be the most effective, but can also do great evil in being sloppy with their chosen means. Process driven organizations tend to be the most stable, but also forget their purpose and do great evil by crowding out innovation. What seems to work best is process at the tactical level, but mission at the strategic and operational/logistical level.
The in-practice organizational structure of the firm largely determines whether they embrace process or mission at scales in which this is inappropriate. Generally, strong top-down authority will result in far more mission focus, while bottom-up consensus-based authority tends to result in process focus. Modern bureaucracies and public firms tend to be the latter, while private firms and startups tend to be the former. This transition from mission to process focus at the strategic and operational level is generally a coping mechanism for scaling past dunbar's number.
In the grips of this transformation is usually when "middle management" and "human resources" personell are picked up by a firm. Authority over the worker is separated from authority over product outcomes, leading to perverse incentives and unclear loyalties. As a QA engineer, it is unclear who truly has the final say (and thus should recieve your information). Furthermore, it is not clear to the management either, and jockeying for relative authority is common.
The practical outcome of both this is that it's not clear who is the wringable neck for any given project. The personell manager will generally be unininterested in the details beyond "go or no go", as to go any further might result in them taking on responsibility which is not really theirs. Meanwhile, the project manager will not have the authority to make things happen, and so you can tell them everything they should know but it will have no practical impact. As such, the critical decisionmaking loop of which QA is a critical component is broken, and accomplishing the mission is no longer possible. The situation degenerates into mere quality control (following procedure), as that's the only thing left that can be done. For more information on this subject, consider the 1988 book "Moral Mazes: The world of corporate managers".
To actually soldier on and try to make it work simply means the QA is placing responsibility for the project upon their own head with no real authority over whether it succeeds or fails. Only a lunatic with no instinct for self-preservation would continue doing this for long (ask me how I know!), and truly pathological solutions to organizational problems result from this. It's rare to see an organization recognize this and allow QA to "be the bad guy" here as a sort of kayfabe to cope with this organizational reality. IBM was one of the first to do it, and many other organizations have done it since; this is most common amongst the security testing field. The only other (pathological) thing that works looks so much like a guerrilla insurgency for quality that it inevitably disturbs the management to the point that heads roll.
Ultimately, integrating test too tightly with development is a mistake. Rather than try to shoehorn a job which must at some level be invalidational and adversarial into a team-based process, a more arms-length relationship is warranted.
Testing is actually the easy part. Making any of it matter is the hard part.
Last week Sebastian Riedel did some mojo testing using Playwright, I encourage you to see his work here. It would have been neat if he'd used my playwright module on CPAN (as it was built to solve this specific problem). He did so in a way which is inside-out from my approach.
That's just fine! TIMTOWTDI is the rule in Perl, after all. For me, this underlines one of the big difficulties for even a small OSS developer; If you build it, nobody will come for years if you don't aggressively evangelize it.
On that front, I've made some progress; playwright-perl got a ++ from at least one other PAUSE author and I got my first ever gratuity for writing open source software thanks to said module. This is a pretty stark contrast from the 100% thankless task of Selenium::Remote::Driver, which is a lot more work to maintain.
This is a good point to segue into talking about Sebastian's article. Therein he mentions that some of the tricks Playwright are using might end up being a maintenance landmine down the road. Having both worked at a place which has maintained patches to upstream software for years at a time and maintained a selenium API client for years I can say with confidence this is less of a problem than selenium has.
The primary trouble with selenium over the years has to do with the fact that it is simply not a priority for any of the browser vendors. The vast majority of issues filed on Selenium::Remote::Driver over the years have been like this one: In essence, the browser vendor issues a broken driver for a release and we either can ignore it as transient or have to add a polyfill if it persists across releases. Selenium::Remote::Driver is more polyfill than client at this point (partially due to the new WC3 selenium standard not implementing much of the older JSONWire spec).
Historically, Chrome has been the biggest repeat offender in releasing broken drivers. However post-layoffs, it appears Mozilla is getting in on this game as well. Add people frequently using drivers of versions which are incompatible with their browser and encountering undefined behavior, and you begin to understand why microsoft decided to micromanage the browsers the way they did in Playwright. In practice, you need this level of control to have your testing framework be less buggy than the system you want to test with it.
In the end, the reason selenium sticks to open protocols is because they don't have the resources to devote to proper maintenance. I regard a firm which maintains patchsets as a positive; this signals they are actually willing to devote resources to maintenance. They would not have written and shipped them had they not been willing to; most especially not at a firm like Microsoft which is well aware of the consequences.
While Sebastian didn't mention these, there are also a number of other drawbacks to selenium other than selenium sticking to open protocols. The most glaring of which is that most of the browser vendors do not support getting non-standard attribute values (such as the aria* family) which are highly relevant. You must resort to simply executing javascript code, which more or less defeats the purpose of 90% of the Selenium API. This is the approach pretty much all the polyfills in Selenium::Remote::Driver take.
Another huge controversy over the last half-decade was the "Element Overlap" check, which was buggy for years (especially when negative margin was involved) and still can't be turned off reliably. By contrast, Playwright's check is easy to turn off and has always worked correctly. It sounds like Microsoft learned the right lesson instead of being insensitive to the will of the vast majority of users.
The "Upgrade" to the WC3 protocol also removed a great deal of functionality, while giving us less new features than were removed from the JSONWire spec. Back then the drivers were even more unreliable than they are now; The primary point of the standards was to try and find a minimum set of functionality that they could reliably maintain, an effort which is a clear failure at this point.
Microsoft's approach of just letting the browser vendors do their thing and adapt to them rather than demanding they adapt to testers is far better. In my career this always works out the same way. Your life as a developer and tester gets a lot better when you take the software you work with largely as a given.
All the points above lead one to conclude the only thing you can rely on in selenium is the javascript interpreter. So why not just skip selenium and write tests with something like protractor? This is in fact what a number of organizations have done.
It's not like the WC3 API gives you anything above and beyond what the JS interpreter can give you, so it makes a lot of sense from a practical perspective. Playwright on the other hand gives you easy access to everything enabled by the DevToolsProtocol on every browser with a unified API. Selenium 4.0 offers the ability to talk to the DevToolsProtocol, but without a unified API. This is why I consider Selenium an obsolete protocol which has been leapfrogged entirely by Playwright.
This is not to say that Selenium does not have some features which are still not met by the Playwright team. In particular the built-in Selenium Grid which has been massively strengthened in Selenium 4.0. This is enabled by it being a server based approach, rather than just a library for talking to the browser.
Obviously, this is quickly solved with but another layer of abstraction. I did precisely that to accomplish the first Playwright client not made by Microsoft. The server-based approach I took would allow me to replicate Selenium's grid functionality in the future with Playwright... but that's probably not needed in our modern era of coverage reporters and containers. That's why my current project Pairwise is aimed at simplifying this workflow specifically.
Back in the JSONWire days, Microsoft UI had the genius idea to unify desktop testing under the Selenium API with WinAppDriver. This unfortunately has been abandoned in favor of making VSCode a world-beater. This was clearly the right move for microsoft, as even I have been largely converted from my vim + tmux workflow. I still think this is an amazing idea, and (if nobody beats me to it) I want to make an equivalent for linux (using XTest) and OSX...and windows, but all using the Playwright API instead.
Playwright also made another design decision which guarantees it will be easy to spread and write clients for. It ships with a machine-readable specification, while Selenium has never (and likely will never do so). Since SeleniumHQ's 4.0 JAR made breaking changes, I decided to make a new client Selenium::Client. I liked the approach of dynamically making classes based upon a spec, and did so for the next generation selenium client. However, this required that I parse the specification document, which was a nontrivial task (see Selenium::Specification).
The intention long-term is to replace the guts of Selenium::Remote::Driver with Selenium::Client to reduce maintenance burden; this will take some time given how difficult it will be to untangle due to the module being a big ball of mud.
The rest of Sebastian's article goes over the practical points of embedding your perl application inside Node to test it. Much of these are the same concerns (ensuring the server is up before testing, bringing it down correctly, ensuring deps) which I had with the server. Similarly, build toolchain issues are about the same either way; you'll have to wrangle both cpan and npm one way or another. In the end it comes down to personal preference; do you want to write Playwright in perl or JS?
For guys like Sebastian and I who are as fluent in Javascript as Perl, his approach actually makes a lot of sense and is a lot less work than making a module like Playwright-perl. The path to scaling is also less work than building in a grid-like functionality to Playwright-perl; Kubernetes deployment of a bunch of containers each running some subset of tests and using a coverage reporter isn't exactly rocket science. That said, doing the same with scripts built atop playwright-perl won't exactly be difficult either.
For those of you more comfortable in Perl than JS, I think you'll be well served by playwright-perl. Feel free to give it a shot if this sounds like you. If you like it a lot, feel free to send me a gratuity, become a patron, or log some bugs if you don't like it so much.