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Why you should use the Rename-In-Place pattern in your code rather than fcntl() locking πŸ”— 1714508024  

🏷️ perl

Today I submitted a minor patch for File::Slurper::Temp. Unfortunately the POD there doesn't tell you why you would want to use this module. Here's why.

It implements the 'rename-in-place' pattern for editing files. This is useful when you have multiple processes reading from a file which may be written to at any time. That roughly aligns with "any non-trivial perl application". I'm sure this module is not the only one on CPAN that implements this, but it does work out of the box with File::Slurper, which is my current favorite file reader/writer.

Why not just lock a file?

If you do not lock a file under these conditions, eventually a reader will consume a partially written file. For serialized data, this is the same as corruption.

Using traditional POSIX file locking with fcntl() using an RW lock comes with a number of drawbacks:

  • It does not work on NFS - at all
  • Readers will have to handle EINTR correctly (e.g. Retry)
  • In the event the lock/write code is killed midstream you need something to bash the file open again
Writing to a temporary file, and then renaming it to the target file solves these problems.

This is because rename() just changes the inode for the file. Existing readers continue reading the stale old inode happily, never encountering corrupt data. This of course means there is a window of time where stale data is used (e.g. the implicit TOCTOU implied in any action dependent on fread()). Update your cache invalidation logic accordingly, or be OK with "eventual consistency".

Be aware of one drawback here: The temporary file (by default) is in the same directory as the target as a means of avoiding EXDEV. This is the error you get from attempting to rename() across devices, as fcopy() is more appropriate there. If you are say, globbing across a directory with no filter, hilarity may ensue. You should change this to some other directory which is periodically cleaned on the same disk, or given enough time & script kills it will fill.

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