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Playwright for Perl
cPanel & WHM Plugins:
Better Postgres for cPanel
cPanel iContact Plugins
my %hash = map {
"here" => $_
} grep {
-d $_
} qw{a b c d .};
This claims there is a syntax eror on line 6 where the grep starts.
This is a clear violation of the principle of least-astonishment as both the map and grep work by themselves when not chained.
We can fix this by assigning $_ like so:
my %hash = map {
my $subj = $_;
"here" => $subj
} grep {
my $subj = $_;
-d $subj
} qw{a b c d .};
Now we get what we expect, which is no syntax error. This offends the inveterate golfer in me, but it is in many critic rules for a reason. In particular when nested lexical scope inside of the map/grep body is a problem, which is not the case here.
But never fear, there is a superior construct to map in all cases...postfix for!
my %hash = "here" => $_ for grep { -d $_ } qw{a b c .};
No syntax errors and it's a oneliner.
It's also faster due to not assigning a lexical scope.