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Random videos involving actual code slinging

How computer science captured the hearts and minds of generations of scientists πŸ”— 1645974650  

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The scientific method is well understood by schoolchildren in theory, but thanks to the realities of schooling systems they are rarely if ever exposed to its actual practice. This is because the business of science can be quite expensive. Every experiment takes time and nontrivial amounts of capital, much of which may be irreversibly lost in each experiment. As such, academia is far behind modern development organizations. In most cases they are not even aware to the extent that we have made great strides towards actually doing experimentation.

Some of this is due to everyone capable of making a difference toward that problem being able to achieve more gainful employment in the private sector. Most of it is due to the other hard sciences not catching up to our way of experimentation either. This is why SpaceX has been able to succeed where NASA has failed -- by applying our way to a hard science. There's also a lack of understanding at a policy level as to why it is the scientifically inclined are overwhelmingly preferring computers to concrete sciences. The Chinese government has made waves of late claiming they wish to address this, but I see no signs as of yet that they are aware how this trend occurred in the first place.

Even if it were not the case that programming is a far quicker path to life-changing income for most than the other sciences, I suspect most would still prefer it. Why this income potential exists in the first place is actually the reason for such preference. It is far, far quicker and cheaper to iterate (and thus learn from) your experiments. Our tools for peer review are also far superior to the legacy systems that still dominate in the other sciences.

Our process also systematically embraces the building of experiments (control-groups, etc) to the point we've got entire automated orchestration systems. The Dev, Staging/Testing and Production environments model works quite well when applied to the other sciences. Your development environment is little more than a crude simulator that allows you to do controlled, ceteris-paribus experiments quickly. As changes percolate upward and mix they hit the much more mutis mutandis environment of staging/testing. When you get to production your likelihood of failure is much reduced versus the alternative. When failures do happen, we "eat the dog food" and do our best to fix the problems in our simulated environments.

Where applied in the other sciences, our approach has resurrected forward momentum. Firms which do not adopt them in the coming years will be outcompeted by those that do. Similarly, countries which do not re-orient their educational systems away from rote memorization and towards guided experimental rediscovery from first principles using tools very much like ours will also fall behind.

Audit::Log released to CPAN πŸ”— 1642470899  

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For those of you interested in parsing audit logs with perl.

Looks like I need to make some more business expenses if I want to be able to stream 4k video!

Async/Await? Real men prefer Promise.all() πŸ”— 1615853053  

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I've been writing a bunch of TypeScript lately, and figured out why most of the "Async" modules out there are actually fakin' the funk with coroutines.

Turns out even pedants like programmers aren't immune to meaning drift! I guess I'm an old man now lol.

Article mentioned: Troglodyne Q3 Open Source goals

Link Unfurling with HTML::SocialMeta πŸ”— 1609954054  

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I did a deep dive into how pasted links turn into previews in chat and social media applications and was pleasantly surprised to find CPAN had the solution for me. I found a couple of gotchas you might want to know about if you don't want to figure this out the hard way.

tCMS Hacking VII: Mixed Content Warnings πŸ”— 1609455753  

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A common problem in websites is the "Mixed Content Warning" on SSL virtualHosts. In the end it becomes yet another "I should (and do) know better" stream, lol

tCMS Hacking VI: How programming usually goes πŸ”— 1609454786  

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I tried to fix a bug, but had to fix other things first. This is how most days go when you are programming.

tCMS Deploys using Buildah and Podman πŸ”— 1609442334  

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Branching out thanks to our friends over at the Houston Linux User's Group.

tCMS Hacking V: Speeding up Docker deployment with overlays πŸ”— 1609292913  

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The fundamental motivation for all programmers -- "this is taking to long!"

Speaking of, this stream took way too long because the docu I was looking at was solving a different problem (smaller disk size than less time).

Feed my greedy algos!!!1

tCMS Hacking IV: Practical concerns when doing docker deploys πŸ”— 1609273138  

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Try not to stick your hands in the guts of your containers unless you want jungle diseases. Here's a practical example of doing the targeted surgery required to keep sane.

tCMS Hacking III: Filter your REQUEST_URI or you'll die πŸ”— 1609264670  

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Yet another from the "I should know better" (and do) files. A little dab of regex will do.

tCMS Hacking II: Making schema updates πŸ”— 1608089881  

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Cleaning up after your SQL mistakes is important. Here's how to do it in a way that minimizes downtime.

tCMS Hacking: Removing unneeded schema πŸ”— 1608089748  

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From the "I should know better" files. Having predictable user identifiers which are also superfluous is pretty bad, and something I already knew not to do, but hey, worse is better!

Playwright for Perl: Update 2 πŸ”— 1607806104  

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Wherein big progress is made.

Playwright for Perl! πŸ”— 1607804450  

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Selenium is dead. Long live Playwright! Though just at the start of things today, surprisingly good progress has been made already.

Add an Emoji Picker to your Website! πŸ”— 1607571375  

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Had a desire to add some emojis earlier to a news posting I was doing for teodesian.net. Decided to do a few seconds of googlin' and found a pretty decent looking library for doing this here:


Figured I may as well let y'all ride shotgun with me as I added this sucker to my posting UI as such. Hopefully it helps someone out there on the interwebs!

Programming Videos πŸ”— 1607567362  

Random videos involving actual code slinging

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