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So you want to use client certificates instead of HTTP simple auth πŸ”—

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In an earlier essay, I went over the sticky reality that is the CA infrastructure. I'd like to discuss a related subject, which is why nobody uses client certificates to restrict access to and authenticate users of websites, despite them being "supported" by browsers for many years. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, it goes like this:

  • I issue a certificate for $USER, just like you would if you were a CA and $USER were a vhost.
  • $USER installs this certificate in their browser, (not-so-optionally) inputting a password to unlock it.
  • $USER opens a web page configured with the Issuer's CABundle, which asks them if they'd like to identify themselves with the cert they installed
  • $USER clicks yes and goes on their merry way.

There are major hiccups at basically every single step of this process. Naturally, I've got some ideas as to how one might resolve them, and will speculate as to why nobody's even remotely considered them.

Generating Client Certificates

First, if you want to generate certs like a CA does, you have two choices -- self signed, or become an "Intermediate" CA with delegated authority from a bigger CA. The big trouble with this is that getting delegation will never happen for anyone without serious juice in the industry, as it can potentially incur liability. This is why it is observed the only parties that generally use client certificates at all are those which in fact are Intermediate CAs, such as google, facebook and the like. On the other hand, if you go with self-signing, the user that imports the certificate has to import the full chain, which now means the issuer can issue certs for any site anywhere. Yes, the security model for CAs is that laughingly, astonishingly bad; this is why CAA records exist to limit the damage caused by this.

What is needed here is to dump Mozilla::CA, /etc/ssl/certs and all that towering pile of excresence in favor of a reverse CAA record. If we placed the fullchain.pem for each CA in a DNS record for a domain, we could say that this PEM is valid to sign things under this domain. For the big boys, they'd get the root zones to publish records with their PEM, and could go on signing anything and everything. However for the individual owners of domains this finally frees them to become intermediate CAs for their own domains only, and thereby not expose the delegator to potential liability. LetsEncrypt could be entirely dismantled in favor of every server becoming self-service. Thanks to these being DNS lookups, we can also do away with every computer on earth caching a thousand or so CABundles and having to keep them up to date into perpetuity.

With that implemented, each server would look at say /etc/server.key, or perhaps a hardware key, and it's software could then happily go about issuing certs to their hearts desire. One of the firms with juice at the IETF are the only ones who will move this forward, and they don't care because this is not a problem they have to solve. That leaves Pitching this as a new source of rents for the TLD authorities; I'm sure they'd love to get the big CAs to pay yasak. This could be the in to get domain owners to start paying CAs again -- nominal fee, you can sign for your domain. It's a price worth paying, unlike EV certs.

Installing client certificates

Every single browser implements this differently. Some use the built in OS key store, but the point is it's inevitably going to be putzing around in menus. A far better UX would be for the browsers to ask "hey, do you have a certificate, the page is asking for one", much like they prompt for usernames and passwords under http simple auth. This would probably be the simplest problem of these to solve, as google themselves use client certs extensively. It is a matter of academic curiosity why they have failed as of yet to scratch their own back, but a degree of schlep blindness ought to be expected at a tech firm.

Furthermore, while blank passwords are supported by openssl, some keystores will not accept this. Either the keystores need to accept this, or openssl needs to stop this. I consider the latter to be a non-starter, as there is too much reliance on this behavior everywhere.

But which cert should I use?

Browser support for having multiple certs corresponding to multiple possible logins is lacking. Separate profiles ought to do the trick, but keystores tend to be global. This problem would quickly sort itself out given the prior issues get solved as part of an adoption campaign.

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